A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Tourist Day to Edinburgh

Aim in life: Climb Arthur's Seat

Rory needed to go to Edinburgh today, so I tagged along when he invited me and it was such a great day! I felt like a proper tourist, doing things I hadn't ever thought to do before!

I crossed another thing off my bucketlist today, as Rory dragged me up Arthur's Seat. The view from the top was incredible! Edinburgh looks absolutely huge from the top! I'd never been to the top before....and it was amazing to go up with Rory, although we didn't have the most appropriate shoes on for the climb!

After Arthur's Seat, we went to what is known as Edinburgh's Disgrace. Of course, we had to walk past the Scottish Parliament on the way! The Pillars were amazing, Rory and I got some awesome photos, and I personally, love this photo of myself. The pillars look incredible and so many tourists were gathered there to take photos.....it's a shame they haven't ever paid to finish them because they could look amazing.

Shopping followed, I bought myself a pair of burgundy jeans, after some egging on by Rory. I love them already. To top the day off, Rory treated me to dinner at Frankie and Benny's! The pizza was amazing.....I don't know why I haven't been in so long! A recommended restaurant for everyone!

Such an awesome day! I love tourist days.....I want to do it abroad at some point soon!

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