Brick Lane

At one point yesterday it looked like I wouldn't get here as there was confusion about my booking. But I did. I didn't sleep though and the c taxi came at 5.30!

The airport was rammed, school holidays, bus transfer (both ends), and a 30 minute wait on the runway as we queued to take off. But I got to the meeting bang on time.

It was a long, hot meeting (sunny in London!) in a room with poor ventilation, poor acoustics and pretending not to be a Chapel. Confusion about lunch and even getting out on to the amazing rooftop garden didn't help. By 4 my head was thumping. Round to the Hotel, in Brick Lane, which did have a room, for an email catch up.

Then I walked up to Hoxton to meet B and we had a lovely evening at Morito (much better than AA Gill said) before a walk back. Shoreditch and Spitalfields were alive. I was too tired to do anything other than collapse in a heap.

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