I thought....

... "Ohh it will be cute photo of her on her tiptoes reaching up to the tall Victorian postbox".... Except, turns out she is nearly as big as it....

She started the day at 430am. Which combined with the massive swim last night was never going to go that well. She had a clarinet lesson but was summed up as "a bit whingy" by B. She did some good work, but also did more than her fair share of whining and the odd sulky face. It was funny though as at the end there was a choice that she sulk, that she end the lesson or that she man up and with B's help, work through a problem she was having. She took that opportunity, to her credit. At the end of the lesson, B asked us to post some cards for her. There's a lovely Victorian postbox on our way to school- Katie's spotted that it says VR instead of ER or GR- and she skipped most of the way there with the cards in her little paw.

She had been disappointed when I told her I would have to pick her up in the car today as I was going to be busy right up to collecting her, so she was pleased when I managed to get the car taken home and cycle quickly to school to walk home with her. Asking her about her day she said "I got to read a book in German. I looked at the interesting pictures really because it was about rabbits. But I skipped the bit about foxes that eat the rabbits.... Oh, two bits of sad news, Mama. Freddie killed a fly. I don't know why because he likes flies and he knew it was there but he killed it. And I couldn't show my towel". She gets so sad when we see road kill, or if a bug gets squashed, or an animal is suffering.

We did a bit more music practise after she'd had tea, before she got ready for ballet. I had some exciting news for her as today her principal had told me she wants Katie to join the special-invitation class for promising students from September. She said she'd wanted to ask for ages but didn't want to put extra pressure on whilst we didn't have a car. Katie's very thrilled. This class isn't normally offered until children are a grade above Katie, but Katie's been dancing that grade alongside her own and is definitely ready for the challenge of being stretched specifically in ballet. She's so pleased. And thrilled that she'll get to wear the really pretty purple leotard that class has.

Tonight was mainly rehearsals for a street festival that the children are dancing in on Saturday. It was madness with last minute costume work for me, some dramas and a busy busy class but it's exciting for them all to get to perform their show work. We didn't leave til nearly 8pm- her class normally finishes at 6, 630 as we approach the show, but I didn't finish til they were locking up! We had to almost drag her and balletbuddy from the studios!

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