that ain't no game of leap frog

taken through the smeary window.   
Today I have been mostly;
loafing about drinking water
watching the tennis
colouring in 
I even managed a little bit of steam cleaning 
chased Oatie, the lady pheasant out of the house.YES out of the house.  The cheeky thing hopped through the french doors when my back was turned.    Fortunately I got her out before she copied mummy deer.

I still feel a teeny bit woozy so it has been good to have a day at home.

So, we will soon have another female Prime Minister.

p.s.  those of you who have followed the progress of young Rafi via my blips over the last few years will be thrilled to see this     He is 2nd from the right.  What an amazing lad.  AND so handsome.

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