Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Somerset House

Down in London for a few days for the Olympics - two sessions of ladies basketball tomorrow and Monday (don't ask!) at the Olympic Park. Wandering around this afternoon prior to taking in the Munch exhibition at Tate Modern and the build-up was everywhere. We just missed the torch barge going past the Millenium Bridge but the atmosphere on the Southbank - where they've got this 'Festival of the World' running all summer - was really cool and vibrant, and even stately old Somerset House has been transformed into 'Casa Brazil' for the duration. We're staying at the Youth Hostel - and (much to the horror of the kids) that means no telly in our room! - so we didn't get to see the Opening Ceremony and went down to Westminster instead to watch huge pictures of Olympics past being projected onto the ouside of the Houses of Parliament - a pretty cool end to a long, tiring, most enjoyable day...

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