Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


A rather energetic evening tonight: came home, got changed and cycled off to the gym (just call me Lizzie Armistead), to do an impressive-for-me 5K on the treadmill (Kelly Holmes), another 7K on the exercise and then a cycle home. I do so much more watching people do exercise on the TV and drinking isotonic sports drink!

I was absolutely racing it on the way home when I spotted some high vis. Police jackets and a cordoned off area. Contained within the cordoned off area was a couple blood puddles, which my forensic training told me were either the result of a stab wound or a few well timed, Josh Taylor-style jabs to the face. Not so nice either way.

Well I'm home safe and have just eaten a delicious bowl of pasta with a homemade (by the lovely boyfriend) pesto, hence the photo. Nourished and exhausted, I think I'll sleep well tonight! (Although I may be dreaming violent dreams.)

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