All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's new bike!

Ethan's wee friend Logan has a balance bike which Ethan has tried out several times now. Hubbie and I have been mulling over whether to upgrade his trike for a proper bike with stablisers or a balance bike. As he's still showing no signs of wanting to use the pedals himself yet, we've opted for a balance bike. Hubbie took Ethan to the shops this evening to buy one and wow was Ethan excited when they arrived home with it and his new helmet!

I let him play outside on it way past his bedtime, in the hope it would tire him out and that we wouldn't have such a battle getting him to sleep this evening. It worked - off to sleep with no fuss by 8.30pm after one bedtime story. Result! (Although would rather it was earlier in the evening but we'll work on that)!

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