Head Held High
Big Pond Community have been having a tough time. The new Mr and Mrs Swan are first time parents. Mrs Swan does, on occasion, forget about the cygnets and wanders off or accidentally treads on them and doesn't seem to realise. Mr Swan is much more aware and rushes over when Mrs Swan wanders off (it is the Year of the Dad after all!). Two of the five cygnets have been killed by marauding foxes so Mr Swan has been standing guard. The three cygnets follow Mrs Swan when they can - and she remembers to slow down and wait for them - and they are getting stronger. Hopefully they will make it to their teens and beyond.
Mrs Duck (aka Piccolina) and and her six ducklings seem to be doing well - she seems to be a single parent. The ducklings are very good at dodging Mr Swan who half heartedly tries to chase them away. The moorhen chicks at the smaller pond are thriving and their parents wander over to say hello when called (is that strange?).
Visited BPC1 today and true to form Mrs Swan wandered off and Mr Swan hurried over to the three cygnets to keep an eye on them.
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