just an ordinary day....

By laineylou3

The deserted runway

The biggest 'industry' in my home area was, and to an extent still is, the Royal Air Force in Kinloss.
The station opened on 1 April 1939 and served as a training establishment during WW2. After the war it was handed over to Coastal Command to watch over Russian ships and submarines in the Norwegian Sea and was the main base for the fleet of Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft. After the Defence and Security Review of 2010 Kinloss was no longer required by the RAF and flying operations ceased in 2011.
The Army are here now and do contribute well to the life and economy of the area but it seems so still and quiet even now without the planes. I tried to use a tint that made this look like my dads Kodak snaps too as it featured a lot in my young life.

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