Casa mia

Looking out from the road between Fiesole and Settingnano. I always hankered after a place like this - olives, vines, peaches etc.

The petrol guy - the benzinaio - tells me that house prices have dropped 30% in the last decade. He asked about London prices. 'Ancora pazzesco', I replied (still mad). He cleaned the front and back windscreen which were covered in dust from taking a few 'strade bianche' - white gravel roads. 

It amazing how Italy's little retail outlets struggle on. 

Big do up in Fiesole tonight with fireworks for the local saint's day - San Romolo. Thunder growling around but the Meteo saying the temp will keep rising up to 36/7C. Will have to get in the CinqueCento and put the aircon on and drive around and around. 

'Non ce ne sono vacanze dalla Brexit' as they might say here. No holidays from Brexit. 

Chilcot stuff coming in over Twitter and the Italian banks looking disaster in the face. Our pounds go less and less further with each passing day. 

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