Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Rome airport = Geek Paradise

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

Today we left Rome to fly back to Newcastle. The airport was massive, and it was a geeks paradise!

The top left plane was ours - as you can see, I could see it out the window, with the door leading outside just out of shot to the right. We got on a bus, and waited for 15 minutes. We then pulled out, and took 5 seconds to drive to said plane. I didn't really know why they didn't just let us walk, as it probably cost the airline more money. But hey-ho, it's their loss!

When we got back to Newcastle, we drove 2.5 hours to my Nana's for tea. We just needed one more night of good food before we went home! :)

Have a good week!

Steven :)

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