If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Hand Tools

After six and a half years on a waiting list Katkatkat has finally been  offered not an allotment but two raised beds totalling about 22 square yards.  She is over the moon!  The problem is having lived in 2nd floor flats since leaving home she has no gardening equipment.

As you would expect the request came do you have any spare garden tools.  So we started to gather together any spares we have.  Hand tools were the first.  This is the array laid out on the lawn grass.

A week on Thursday we head up to Edinburgh with a very long "to do list"  most of which revolves round gardens and garden centres.

My day has been mainly round home with an excursion to "Birds Bistro" which is a local business which is as near a supermarket for birds and red squirrels as you are going to find.

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