
Do you remember when I went to see The Pixies at Maida Vale and the security guy asked to see my keyring? And when I asked why, he said it was because sometimes people had penknives on their keyring. But what he didn't check was whether I actually had a penknife, which I did, in my trouser pocket.

It was similar tonight at Beck. Simon had to hand over his bag because it was quite big whereas I was allowed to keep mine but it had to be searched. There was a big, multitool Swiss Army knife in it, which the girls gave me one year. That was confiscated (for collection at the end of the gig) but, once again, I was able to just walk in with the other penknife that was in my pocket.

I'm not sure what kind of security this is, really. I suppose it's a deterrent of sorts, if you know in advance that that's what it's going to be like. But in the last four years I've only been frisked twice going into a gig - Elbow and Muse - and had my bag searched once (this evening). I guess someone thinks a box is being ticked.

Anyway, we got in, and found a great place to stand up on the balcony, with a good view of the stage. Simon knew an impressive amount of people in the audience, so I chatted to his partner, Sharon, until the gig started (which I've written about here).

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