Things I Don't Know

It isn't often I put up a blip of a dog and I've rarely posted a blip of someone's dog when I can't think what sort it is or what it's name is. I have been told many times, I just never remember!

So, a puppy a bit like a Yorkie but probably not.

Anyhow, he belongs to the lady who helps me by looking after the holiday lodge while I'm away. I went to collect this weekend's laundry from her and couldn't resist taking a shot of him while she held him.

At least I didn't forget to go for the laundry!

EDIT: So, thanks to Effigy, I now know he's a cross between a Poodle  (see, I couldn't remember what it was from reading it in the comments to typing it here - I am beyond help!) Yorkshire terrier and a Pomeranian and his name is Rocco! Now I've written it down I may remember it when I see him on Thursday!

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