A Tiring Day

I came downstairs less than 5 minutes after PD had been dropped off by his owners (they have a key) and this is how I found him ............ sleeping on the settee.

The Cooncil gardeners must be slipping - they have allowed the grass on the banks of the playing field to go long enough without a cut that there are orchids flowering there.

I had never realised that slugs were cannibalistic. These two were munching on an ex-slug and there was a similar scenario a few feet further on.

Wet leaves and fallen feathers lay around in profusion this morning - probably something to due with the bucketing rain overnight.

This afternoon we took a trip down to Peebles.
While the car was in the garage, I took PD for a walk.
There is "a nice walk" up the hill opposite the garage.
"Nice walk" my fluffy backside!
This is looking down the path before it got steep! The slope is somewhere between 34 & 40 degrees!!!
And moist!
It probably didn't help that the locals who had been having campfires had taken half the route markers as firewood - but the route back down was even more fraught. But the views were quite good.
The one from the top was really nice (after I had stitched the 4 shots together).

When we eventually found our way back down to the garage PD flaked out .... not the pillow - he likes a pillow!

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