Go Pro Guy

I have many action shots including mid-air hurdling but this was his proudest moment where he was one of only two children all afternoon to wear the go-pro camera- he is following instructions to show it off to everyone here. The hurdling was good, the rest of it was good but for me the best bit was how much he just enjoyed himself throughout. I have been a little distracted by recent tales from others of lonesomeness in the playground but I have come to the conclusion he a. dislikes football and other running round games with no clear organised structure b. He has likely always been like that at playtime and it's only I have recently acquired playground feedback from another adult and c. he loves school and his happiness is not measured by chasing around at break time.

(He will read all that in ten years time and tell me I have got all that completely wrong obvs but I am sticking with my theories.)

Daisy enjoyed her day in London even with lots of train issues. She is now having a little nap with the sheer exhaustion of her busy day.

And I am off to see Ab Fab. What a beautifully sunny day.

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