Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

History isn't free

We all get roped into help Mum's annual fundraising stalls at the Danestone Fayre. Katie, Josh and Alice had been and gone earlier to help set things up. This year I was on the dice and booze stall.. Three shots for a pound...roll four of a kind and you win the national drink, Bacardi or some old booze or other. And win they did. Three dudes scored big during the day and walked away with a bottle of the hard stuff. Meanwhile Sam, Lucy and Scot took in over £100 at the Nerf gun stall while ladies of a certain an age were going batsh*t crazy over the bottle stall. Dave appeared briefly with the dugs, but the drummers were too loud for the hounds. Alas, the dogs didn't scare off the Northsound bearded hipster as they left. I need to train them to spot over styled hipster beards and get in the sea man buns a bit better.

All in all, a good take and it means the Danestone local history group will once again live for another year...including their all important annual coach trip to some historical site of splendour followed by the highlight for all the wifies (and some nannies too)......the stop on the way home for......high tea. With a fortnightly turn out of 60 plus folk during the winter listening to speakers reeling off tales of Aberdeen long gone, mum keeps this group going.

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