Kite surfers

What a day! Started by watching a spotted woodpecker on the bird feeder - I couldn't get a decent photo as the kitchen windows are too smeary but it was gorgeous; first time I've seen one close up.

Then to the beautiful Oakwood House Hotel for a speed awareness course. The plan then was to grab some shopping in town and then come home to get ready for work but I got an SOS call from Rowan who needed a lift from Camber. I used all my new speed awareness to schlep down to the coast which is where I grabbed this shot of people enjoying the weather - it was almost too windy to stand up - and then we stopped off for some essentials for her holiday in Greece tomorrow (young people don't think of stuff like Imodium and insect repellent and such like).

Home now - bushed but happy to spend time with her - and sorting through clothes for the rest of the week.

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