
By DramaQueen

Star Player

Mr A has been busy today doing some promotional stuff for Adidas with the 'special one', Jose Mourinho (who was 3 hours late, boss's privilege eh?!).

He thought he might get to finish early, but they announced a new signing, so he had to stick around a bit later.

Sadly, today's blip is just a 'test shot' for lighting etc so Mr A won't be coming home with a footballer's salary!

My Mum had her hospital review today; the good news is that they've taken her pot off and given her a boot to wear instead.
The bad news (for her) is that she still can't walk; she said she thought she'd be able to go to the shops tomorrow!
It's dawning on her now how serious the injury was, especially now she can see where they cut her leg to insert the plates and screws. She said the scar runs in a u-shape, down one side of her leg, underneath her foot and up the other side.

Foolishly IMHO she's deferred her physio appointments until October as she said she wants to concentrate on looking after the children. I've told her (& Mr A reiterated the fact) that the sooner she starts physio, the quicker she will recover. Whereas the longer she leaves it, the harder it will be with the greater potential for it to take longer too.

I've said we can check my diary and try and schedule it for when I have a free session so that I can babysit while she gets her physio.
She's not agreed to it yet, but I've left the thought with her to be mulled over tonight.
I'm sure she'll see it makes sense.

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