It's a hard life?!

Sometimes being a gorgeous little collie is really hard.

Today I didn't get any proper sleep time till 5pm. Ann had people in for lunch so this morning I obviously had to lie right by her feet in case she dropped some tasty titbits while making lunch.

Then when all her friends arrived, I had to do a bit of woofing to show what a good guard dog I am. Then the guys arrived to fit the mirror in the bathroom so I had to do more woofing!

And then I didn't know who to guard........... Ann and her friends in the living room or the guys in the bathroom? As I am a very intelligent little collie I lay in the hall where I could keep an eye on all locations.

And Ann's friends didn't leave till after 4pm and by then it was chucking it down with rain so I had my afternoon walk in the rain and now I'm a very soggy doggie. And Ann is a soggy human.

..............And I'm tired because keeping a watch on lots of humans all day has worn me out!!!

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