First Exhibition / 2 Years

Reliq - Tea

It's been two years to the day that I got my first digital SLR. It's purely coincidental that I also had my first exhibition today. I was lucky to also be able to do the exhibition with a close friend of mine whose work can be seen here.

A small tinkering at first became an obsession thanks to the encouragement of many great friends. I would spend hours just surfing the net (and still do) just oogling over lenses, shop locations, tutorials, shooting methods, lighting methods, photgraphing techniques, photographers and of course, photos. I can't stop talking about it, much to the disgruntled "humphs" and patience of my friends, family and co-workers. However, it's something positive that many people can and have gotten into, no matter what camera you use.

The exhibition was very exciting and many people gave very favourable comments to both our work as well as helpful constructive criticism. But most of all I was lucky to be surrounded by many good friends. It's a complete blessing.

Here's the place if you're interested, The Plastic Factory, which is runned by a great group of friendly, positive people. Thank you so much.

Although there are countless people to mention in gratitude, one person who is very close to me and always will be, gave me calming words of advice when I was completely frustrated failing to get my mental image of the Kyoto summer sky on my camera. "Relax, you've only just had this camera for less than a month! What do you expect? Just take your time and you will get there. Trust me. Take your time." And ever since then she has been my magnetic pole of support. Thank you, your gift of patience and love is the basis of what has culminated today and the future as a photo enthusiast. Your gift was also the first piece mounted. You are truly amazing.

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