A time for everything

By turnx3

Berries against the snow

Beautiful day today - sunny and bright with snow still on the ground. At church as usual till 1 pm then in the afternoon, we were both busy around the house. Roger cleared the thin layer on snow that had accumulated on the driveway overnight, and then put some more lights up outside, and I was decorating the tree in the family room and doing a bit of laundry. Then this evening I was out singing again with the Jubilant Singers. This evening we were just singing two pieces at the Blue Ash and Montgomery Symphony Orchestra Holiday Concert. It was a wonderful varied concert. We sang the opening numbers, and were followed by the Cincinnati Choral Society who did three pieces including a really neat Nigerian carol. Then there was a very different performance by a steel drum band. After intermission there were three classical numbers by the orchestra, then a wonderful narration of the Christmas story as told in the gospel of Luke, with orchestral and choral accompaniment. We finished the concert with a short carol sing, led by the orchestra and the two choirs and finally America the Beautiful, in honor of the troops.

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