Portrait of The Artist
Today, we drove up to Vermont to visit with our youngest son Evan, his wife Chelsea, and our adorable grand daughter Nora. The weather was absolutely perfect with clear blue skies, lots of sunshine, and a nice cool breeze, so we sat out in the garden all afternoon and played with Nora and her dog Lola, as well as BB and Mabel who came along for the ride.
Here is Nora casting a critical gaze upon her latest oeuvre -- she is in her Jackson Pollock stage right now. I am also very pleased to see that she might take after her grandmother (moi) in the favoured use of her left hand!
The extra shows a funny moment when Nora decided that Mabel's crate was actually her bed, and she crawled right in there, shut the door, and curled up for a micro nap!
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