I was going to take a pic of me in the corner with a Dunce's hat on....I made a mistake at work today...nothing serious, but I hate to get something wrong. My head is full of cotton wool :(

I was tired this morning after yesterday's swim and having to be in work for 7:30am didn't help. We had a good session in New Mills, but I must have an early night. They were flying this flag above the building we were working in.

Film Star Friday

1st...Syetuttle with Edward Scissorhands.
2nd...Paola with On Golden Pond.
3rd...mambo with The Sound of Music

Mind you the funniest pic must be Hildarose......I do like a wicked sense of humour!! I was glad to read that DramaQueen gets herself into compromising positions like I do he he he and Par1, Yana1 and Ukelelehaley were clever in using the what they were doing or seeing to fit with FSF! Helloooo to Freuchie who I persuaded to tag their blip as it fitted for FSF. Green56 was out to scare us this week.....I'm a 'hider behind cushions' when it comes to scary movies!!! It is great to see everyone's pics....I love them all. I love the creativity....the next one is on 15th July so get those thinking caps on :))) 

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