A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A blipper being blipped!

Back in the groove with the morning walkers today.

We did a walk to Marley Hall, a place I didn't even know existed until I did this with C in amazing 'summer' weather in March. Here.

This morning we took a higher route which proved to be overgrown with bracken - a reason why I don't enjoy walking in summer as much as other times of year especially as I picked up a tick in the Isle of Man.

Here you can see the ladies half hidden in the bracken waiting for me! C is taking a picture of me taking my photo. You can see it better in large.
We are just leaving the woods before our descent to Marley. Missed the rain that was pouring down at 7.30am so it was a good start to the week.

Thanks ladies!

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