
By Sevan

Olympic "Soiree"

Things started at about 1pm, but unfortunately I didn't get back from Uni until about 2:30. Need to get used to this whole working on a Saturday thing.

The repeat of the Olympic opening ceremony was playing in the lounge. I only saw a bit of it (nurses putting little kids to sleep on trampoline beds), thought it was weird, and went barbecue! No shrimps on the barbie :( But, there were home made kangaroo burgers.

Aside from eating, there were a few "sporting activities", including: badminton, trampolining (my house has a trampoline!! Can't wait to combine it with the pool in the summer), a slackline and a unicycle. Here's me on the trampoline in my finest sporting attire.

AND! To top it all off, I finally got to play Goon of Fortune*. The entire day was a massive Australian stereotype. I felt like a tourist in my own home.

*Goon of Fortune: you attach one (or multiple) bags of goon** to a rotating washing line then spin it. Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows! Drink when the goon chooses you, and repeat.

**Goon: cheap nasty strong Australian wine that comes in stylish shiny bags.

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