Are You Lost?

    I was doing more errands today.  When you are planning a road trip, and you own a home, there are a lot of details that need to be taken mowing the lawn, Bonsai to the nursery, the girls to the spa, banking, bills paid, and the list goes on......
    As I was driving through Newberry, after a few hours of rain this morning, I saw something in the road.   He/she was trying to cross the road, dragging with it a lot of weeds, mud and reeds.  I quickly pulled over, and walked as fast as I could (more like a turtle than a hare) to put the turtle off to the side where it was safely headed in the right direction, away from danger.  I also pulled a whole lot of the growth off so that it might move more easily.  I got a quick picture and then got out of the rain.

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