Personal safety

This little bird has no sense of danger, as he eats his seeds under the beady of eyes of my sister Lottie and me!! We would have him, given half a chance!!  I’m Pippa by the way, the one on the left in the picture.
We are staying with the “old folks” for the next week or so as the boss is on her own for a few days, so the three of us are over to stay.
We have had an odd day, everything back to front starting with breakfast before our walk. The boss and the old lady took us for a walk, a very short walk as the boss still has sore feet after the 56 miles walk last weekend. I was most miffed when we turned back early.
We spent the morning in the garden watching the old folk working. They kept saying it’s going to rain in a minute, but it didn’t. after a friendly play fight with Lottie, we spent some time in the kennel, not sure why, maybe we were naughty (chasing the birds) or maybe for our safety (not sure what that word means).
Our trip to the sports field for my ball games was early and tea was late. Mum spent the day at work and when she was safely home I tucked myself up in my blanket to sleep and dream of chasing hares!!


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