
Lie in, dog walk - I suspect history will show these are standard Saturday morning activities. The sea looked great, v light and dark all at the same time. I accidentally stopped at a little farmers market on the way home and bought tasty bread. We had lunch, played trivial pursuit and Woof then went to buy Daisy new trainers. I had the stupid idea of then going straight to the supermarket meaning we have mainly raspberries, raspberry lemonade, Capri sun, oven chips and caramel puddings for food this week.

Then I sat for a splendid few hours of tennis and cycling. After dinner, Daisy has just talked me through her list of make up that she wants. I understand very little if it tbh.

And with all the recent drama of the running of our country I had forgot about all the celebrities dying this year. Very sad about Caroline Ahern, 52 is a ridiculous age.

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