
By briocarioca


After a series of late nights, I decided against getting out of bed, missing breakfast and making it to the  08.30 gym class. To his credit, HH did (and has been falling asleep over the computer ever since).
The downside of a late start is that the rest of the morning whizzes past in a flash, with not much to show for it. Still, we were given a doggie bag last night, with delicious Thai left-overs, so lunch was a cinch. And I’ve made up for it since, getting rooms ready for guests who arrive tomorrow and doing a lot of planting and moving heavy pots around.
Would love to catch up with blips now, but my eyes are dropping shut – and we haven’t had supper yet.
The street sellers are back in force, many of them from the other side of the continent - Ecuador, Bolivia etc. This lady was industriously plying her crochet needle as she sat by her wares. The inspectors crack down from time to time and the vendors rush to gather up their things and disappear till the coast’s clear, but I think there’s more tolerance than before. It’s hard times for everyone just now, so perhaps they’re turning a blind eye.

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