Because this is who I am

By Brighde


So my first week of Manchester is nearly upon us. And so far I have collected some opinions about the whole situation.

* Boys are vile and disgusting. They leave gross things about the place and pretend it doesn't exist. Toe nail clippings and 100 year old socks to only name a few.
* I was in Manchester for an hour on my own and was stopped by everyone including Mormons who were very kind and gave me a free bible and told me my sunglasses were cool.
* In my first 30 minutes of being here I got a job in a beautiful cafe in paperchase called Tinderbox. I'm already sad to leave in September.
* In narrow terrace housed streets the bin men don't come up and you have to wheel you bin to the bottom of the street. Who knew!
* Trying to diet when your Boyf is dieting is hopeless but my will power is unreal and I'm ploughing on.
* Having a financial stable boyfriend whilst you're finding your feet is essential. However, do you bit! Cook tea, wash dishes and laugh at horrendous jokes.

I'm sure I'll have plenty more things to add to this list but for now that's what I got. It's my 21st birthday next Friday and I'm most excited. I'm going home for the occasion and I'm most excited about the food.

Happy Blipping.

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