Simonside walk

One of the friends who voted to leave the EU called this morning. Mr C had to help me out as I'm still too upset to feel up to chatting as if nothing had happened. It is horrible to feel like this about someone I thought I knew. Luckily Ailie called almost at the same time for our walk up Simonside. We really enjoyed being out and mostly it was sunny and dry - only one shower. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful county. It the distance you can see Cheviot - Scotland is on the other side.

In the afternoon it was wet so I finished my Blurb photo book of the Tuscan holiday, and had a look at Explore and Exodus brochures in an attempt to find a trip for the winter. We need to make use of our expensive worldwide travel insurance! But all the places we fancy are too cold in our winter, or too expensive. Oman is a possibility, but it's an expensive trip to rough it camping.

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