Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Runnin' For Treats!

Corra doing some recall practice on our afternoon walk. She sure zooms to get some hot dogs ;) Loki walks at a glacier pace during recalls -_- He can't be bothered.

Not much happened this weekend - ended up being more of a cleaning/relaxing around the house sort of day. We were talking about going to the beach, but there were thunderstorm threats for throughout the day, so we thought it was best to hold off. Hopefully I'll be feeling ready for another joyful work week starting in the morning (-____-). At least just 10 more work days until vacation, woo hoo!

And thanks everyone for voting on your favorite collar, looks like The Willow is winning (and I didn't even consider that one until Mr. Badger saw it and thought it was amazing ...). I still like The Sonora as well ... maybe I'll just have to buy both at some point ;)

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