Seeing is believing

By hoover

It's behind you!... Oh no it's not!

The panto 'Robinson Crusoe and the Carribean Pirates' was absolutely fantastic! I just love the panto, I go every year. What a great show this was!

We were having a few drinks before, during and after the show, so I got myself a bit dressed up. This didn't go un-noticed. I found myself with a male admirer. He was sitting in front of me.

Our eyes met, we ended up chatting in the interval. He thought I was great and said I looked like a Pussycat Doll. (I gather that was a compliment). He spent most of the second half of the show facing me instead of the stage. He tried to kiss me at the end of the show and got upset when he had to say goodbye.

OK, he was only 4 years old, but it was very flattering! Haha!

After the show we (my friend an I, - not me and the child!) went to the pub. It seemed like half the cast of the show joined us, including the mermaid.

This isn't a very good photo but photography isn't allowed in the theatre so it had to just be a quick, flash free, sneaky shot.

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