Guardsman Tony Downes

I had never been to Droylsden before today.

The venue was Guardsman Tony Downes House, pictured beneath a black cloud. I parked near the shopping centre, facing the Kings Head pub. A big banner on the front of the pub displayed a portrait of "Tony Our Son".

He was killed by a land mine in Helmand province in 2007. A lad from Droylsden. A day before the national commemoration of The Somme, unbelievably sad.

A message on my phone led me to the news that Boris Johnston was not standing for the Tory leadership, metaphorically knived by Michael Gove. My extra of yesterday is promoted to today. The astonishing political summer madness of the last week continues. Meanwhile real people try to live their lives in what will hopefully continue to be a kind and tolerant country.

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