Winning Image

I didn't expect this image to be a winner when I entered it in this months Open Print competition, so got a really nice surprise when our judge Erica chose mine as number one.  We've had a few changes in the club and are trying out fewer externally judged competitions and interspersing them with internal critique nights.  This had been one of my entries for our `rainy days' themed night and it was suggested that I might crop the image I presented down a bit left and top, which I did (I might have taken some of the right side too).  So a big thank you to members of the club who made the suggestions.  There were some very good images yesterday evening and I'm always aware that if another judge had been deciding then one of my fellows might have come out top - but last night they didn't :) I am very fond of Julie's dying tulip in a glass vase, which came second.

Gardening today - clearing up where the little shed used to be and making ready to re-use the space (it's still going to be for storing all those gardening things that need a hiding place) and also making a few more inroads into the front garden, including the overgrown pond edges.  A tiring day, so feeling good to sit here now.
p.s. I didn't take any photos today, so I'm hoping this screen grab might load.

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