Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Flying the Nest

Back blip

Ok, he doesn't fill the frame, but this baby bird entertained us this afternoon so it deserves to be my blip.  On the back wall of our patio, which is covered in different types of ivy and jasmine, there's also a nest - at least one, maybe two.   I can only presume they feel safe enough to nest here as it happens every year.  This wee chap either fell or escaped from the nest this afternoon and landed on the tiles on our patio.  Poor wee thing, he was then stuck there as he couldn't fly up the 12 inches to get back onto the garden part, which would then have let him fly up on the plants and branches back into the next.  What to do?  We've been in this quandary before, but being city people still weren't sure and obviously didn't learn from experience!   Meanwhile, he was flipping and flapping and using up all his energy.  We tried putting a pot plant upside down next to the border, hoping he would use it as a kind of stepping stone.  Nope.  What he did was hide in the archway part of the patio where we keep our bikes and eventually hopped up onto a wheel spoke up high.  We were scared he would get stuck so Bb moved the bike a little, giving him a ride down onto the tiles again.  He obviously wasn't hurt and by this time his parents were both flying around about and so we decided to leave them to it and sat inside watching.  We didn't want to scare the parents either!  The parents encouraged him and he somehow managed to fly the little stretch from the bike onto the garden section and from there managed to hope from branch to branch back into the nest.  Nature at its best and much better than the help we tried to offer! 

Here's a link to Bb's blip, so you can see the patio detail and the little bit he had to fly up:

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