JR (Day 418)

Our wander up the hill with the dogs this morning was dry, and relatively warm thanks to the lack of any breeze. All too soon my beautiful wife headed to her first work shift of the day. Mum called in to collect me and the dogs just before lunchtime and after lunch we headed along the shore for a wander. We started in rain, but it stopped as we walked back. I have done this walk thousands of times, as has mum. Today, this monogram carved on the edge of one of the saddle stones on the dyke caught my eye for the first time. I have never seen it before, and it set me wondering who JR was, and why they left their monogram there.
Mum dropped me and the dogs back home just in time to see HV before she disappeared off to another overnight shift at work.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden. It is surprising what I managed to get done in a couple of hours with only three limbs. Unfortunately there is a massive amount still to do.

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