Funny old day.

Mr W and I went on a date!

I was due to have my haircut by Gogglebox Chris, but he had to reschedule at the last minute...(well he is famous now after all!) so I made Mr W take me out! We did what Oldies do and went to Penshurst the rain! 

We started with cake, had a wander about the beautiful gardens, kissed under the Mistletoe, had a mooch about the house, stopped for lunch then went back to do more kissing under the Mistletoe while I had a sausage in my hand! - Yes, a real sausage! (and I dont even eat meat!).

I then asked Mr W to take me to a Fish shop - yes, real Fish! I decided I would like to have a little pond in the garden so we went to check them out. Seems like Mr W has agreed. We've chosen one and everything!

Then into Tesco to pick up my re-lensed Varifocals. These ones seem better. I have a few weeks to try them out.

God, what a busy day.

Then Mr W took me to Squash so I could run the 2 and a half miles home. He told me it was only 2 miles. He lied! And it was POURING with rain - yes, real rain! But I did it. Shows my commitment! (or madness!)

Home now, showered, warm, in my PJ's and watching Tame Impala at Glastonbury. I love these guys!

Jay update. Lena messaged this morning to say he had a peaceful night. The message was short and sweet but at least I know he is still alive and they are together. 

Then I had another message that made me explore feelings I didn't really want to have explore. This might go on a bit so bear with me......
My mother and I don't get on. We havn't seen each other for over 20 years (except for Weddings or funerals and even then we don't talk). She's an odd one. Anyway, my sister messaged me in the middle of the night from Australia to say she was in hospital having had a Heart attack. (All doom and gloom this bloody journal! Sorry!) It made me feel a bit strange but not in a way that I felt I needed to see her. Completely the opposite. It might be a bit premature, but it made me question if I should even go to her funeral should she not recover. Would it be hypocritical to go to someones funeral you havnt seen for 24 years.Or would it be wrong not to go??
There is no possible chance of making up. Too much has happened. Too many opportunities missed. No interest shown what so ever from her. I havnt known her longer than Iv known her and by all accounts she is no different. So I know I wont regret not making up, but it gave me a strange feeling when I heard. Maybe I just feel bad for the rest of the family - or rather the ones who do talk to her!!!

I just know I could never, ever do to my kids what she did to me.

Anyway, back to Tame Impala.


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