Wide Angle Wednesday: Glass

My favourite beer glass and my favourite t-shirt ( I always reach for it if I can't decide what to wear!), both bought on a visit to the Black Sheep brewery in Masham a few years back, where they happen to brew some of my favourite ales.

I gather some people are already regretting the choice they made last week.

Not so the chap in the changing rooms at the outdoor pool today who interrupted a conversation my friend Tony and I were having about Nigel Farage at the European Parliament yesterday. I was about to say how embarrassing and annoying I found his smug performance when the chap butted in to say how marvellous his treatment of 'all those foreigners" was and how clever he had been to cause such internal dissent amongst the Tory & Labour parties.

Tony & I made a hasty exit before we made a choice we might regret!

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