
We enjoyed spending time with these two - here they sharing the watering can. Thomas, aged 3, is very kind to his 1 year old brother James, who is a real live wire.

We all went to Waves, the swimming pool at Whitley Bay later in the day. We used to take our girls there many moons ago. There were waves then, but no high water slides. Thomas goes on them by himself, so James wants to as well. He's kamikaze. It was hilarious, and gave us some light relief for a while.

Their dad is from Northern Ireland. Apparently there is some agreement that he can have an Irish passport if he wants. I suppose it is in the interests of a united Ireland to encourage those from the north to do that. He is considering it seriously, for him and the boys. Meanwhile #2 daughter had to pin her hopes on us and her Scottish connection and hope Nicola can somehow sort it all out.

We just can't believe it has come to this.

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