family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

a bit of rough play

today we were all celebrating Bens 30th birthday, well the boys mainly with a spot of white water rafting.

8 crazy boys in total, Ben (birthday boy) who you cant see as he has been submerged under water, Stephen, again who is under the water. then sitting round the sides, dale, mark (my hubby), craig, michael, Ben D and leigh.
they did the run 3 times with numerous amounts of rapids, and taking it in turns to sit in the front. stee did really well as most times he was the only one that did get thrown into the water. all the the wife's and girlfriends that were watching (with a knot in their stomachs) were glad that we were on dry ground. if was horrible to watch, constantly counting that there were 8 of them. luckily no one was injured and they all loved it.
so to finish the day off a BBQ rounds ours.

happy 30th ben x

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