
By Serap

It's alive!

After a couple of tentative attempts at turning it on with no joy, Mark suggested this morning that I remove the iPhone from the bag of rice (which I have been carrying around the house like a comfort blanket) and just try to charge it. So I did, and it came to life!

So, should any fellow blippers drop their phone down the loo, here is my step by step guide to reviving it:

1. Retrieve phone from loo as quickly as possible.
2. Shout many, many, obscenities.
3. Turn phone off.
4. Dry phone with a towel, shake excess water out.
5. Disinfect phone with antibacterial gel.
6. Place phone in bucket or bag of rice (basmati is fine).
7. Leave it for a good couple of days.
8. Look forlornly at bag of phone rice. Cry a little.
9. Take phone out of rice and let it sunbathe, face down, for a couple of hours.
10. Disinfect phone again, just in case.

Et voila! And now I am free to play scrabble against the extremely irritating computer again, and giggle at funny words that come up.

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