Bee Love!

My plot was buzzing with bees today - didn't matter what I pointed my camera at, a bee was sure to be there somewhere! All the girls were looking healthy and hungry as usual, so I cut back the flowering spikes on my Swiss Chard and gave them a feast! It's an amazing plant, survives the winter and sends up gazillions of seedlings the next year - I never have to sow any, just prick them out so they have room to grow! 
I was intending to plant beetroot today, but after transplanting the Swiss Chard and cutting back the Forget-Me-Nots I suddenly developed a killer headache - hate it when they suddenly materialise like that with no warning. So I left the bees to their buzzing and the chickens to their eating and headed home for food and tablets.
Once the tablets had done their thing I had a move around of pots in the back yard - bloomin' slugs are having nightly munches on my dahlia's! Plus all the rain has made some of the tubers rot so I dug out the rotten ones, replanted the firm ones and placed them all on my bench away from slugs I hope till they are big enough not to be so attractive! 
Just got back from giving said slugs flying lessons! Over 20 plus snails and the mother of all big black slugs climbing up one of my lilies! One of the joys of living in the country is that it is so quiet I can actually hear the snails munching so can track them down! The only thing that disturbs the quiet is the heating system of the elderly woman who lives across the back lane and into whose garden I throw my slugs and snails! Well - she disturbs my piece and has an ugly Yucca blocking my view and doesn't garden so just has huge shrubs and an unruly hedge! Plus she never thanked me when I responded to her cries of help and called the police! Turns out she was drunk and cut herself on her glass! Ahhh country living eh?! 
Oh and had pause to think yesterday - someone used the photos I'd sent on their   Instagram  - I'm happy anyone wants to use my photos and don't need or want my name attached to them,  but I did feel this was a bit cheeky not to even ask? I tend to see Instagram, as Flickr,  as being for your own photos? It was for their business but even so? But I'm over it now! Time to go out and check for more slugs!

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