Trial and Error

By DawnC


It was my choice of outing today and so it had to be a Neolithic archaeology day! We headed out first thing to Carnac and it was everything I had hoped - and more. Never have I seen so many standing stones in one day! These ones are from the alignments at Le Menec, which alone comprise 1050 stones over 950 metres.

Best viewed in large.

Unfortunately, we had to rush a bit towards the end due to some sudden and unexpected heavy rain but we used the time to visit the Prehistoric Museum, which had some wonderful artefacts on display.

We then had a nice lunch, the sun came out, and we took a boat trip to Gavrinis to see the fantastic cairn there; the wall carvings are just amazing (no photography allowed though, sadly).

All in all, a wonderful day out :)

PS - Internet connection hopeless but will catch up soon!

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