Bobby and Linda...50 Years

It was another "open house" weekend. A high school one on Saturday, followed today with another high school one, and this golden anniversary party.

On a lot of Sunday afternoons, Lisa and I go to lunch with Bobby and Linda after church. During the week (and I guess on Sundays, too), they are sheep farmers. In the Spring time, sometimes I get baby lamb blips at their place.

They both have Kentucky roots (as I do), and they are both wonderful people.

As for Bobby...don't call him Bob, Rob, Robbie, or Robert. His name is Bobby. I only hold one thing against him. He is a HUGE Nascar fan. Who watches cars go round and round a track...even if they do go fast?

50 years together is a BIG accomplishment for anybody, and it makes it extra special when you are close to the couple.

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