
By LadyPride

On The Edge

Audrey gave us a lie in yesterday by effectively going straight back to sleep after her 7am feed. So naturally, we were all set for a repeat performance today.

We fed her, winded her and gently placed her back in her crib, creeping away in a cartoon fashion. All settled back in our bed, we gave each other a smug high five before contentedly snuggling into our pillows for some more sleep.

But Audrey had other ideas.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!"

"Its OK", I reassured my husband. "She just needs her dummy".

Dummy in.

Seconds later.....


Dummy in again.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" and on and on it went.

"Music?" my husband helpfully suggested.

The specially purchased 'baby sleeping music' was deployed and we climbed triumphantly back into bed.


"Maybe its a dirty nappy?"I added, after another ten minutes of a Audrey screams had elapsed.

Quick change, back in the crib.


Finally we were forced to face facts. Yesterday's lie in was a fluke and was not to be repeated. We climbed out of bed, defeated and started our day.

And do you know what? The minute I picked her up she stopped crying. She gave me a cheeky smile and a look that said "Hey stupid. Did it occur to you that I actually didn't want to sleep?"

The rest of the morning was spent taking it in turns with my husband to have breakfast, shower and get changed while the other looked after Audrey. It seems to take forever to do anything these days. God help us if we ever have to get anywhere fast!

Finally ready, we headed out in the car to Alderley Edge in Cheshire for a walk and some lunch. Turns out we timed it wrong as when we arrived Audrey was due a feed and what I will politely call a ''comfort break'. Plans + Audrey = fail.

Her 'comfort break' turned into a Benny Hill style comedy sketch involving two clueless parents, the front seat of a Range Rover, a pub car park, driving rain, three nappies, a bit of a mess and lots of screaming. We couldn't help but laugh in the end. It really was farcical.

But at least we got out. We enjoyed a lovely (albeit brief) walk and an unhealthy, yet delicious pub lunch washed down with a glass of red.

Today's blip pic was taken of my husband off-roading with Audrey on one of the pram friendly walks around Alderley Edge. It was just nice to get out in the fresh air for once.

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