
By SpotsOfTime

Islands - on Derwentwater

(... or Ease  ....'e's ... "you give joy with your presence, without you, I cannot be heard, I am alone" *). 

I managed to get up and back down Cat Gill just before the rain set in thankfully.

If you've had enough of recent events then just enjoy the view and don't read on to the metaphor central that follows ...

I have thought of blipping this since Friday but first things first and I wanted to visit the chaps yesterday. Derwent Island, the one with the building on it was where the German miners lived when they were bought over in Elizabethan times for their expertise to work the local mines. They were not entirely popular and so lived on the island probably for security.

The island on the left is St.Herbert's. A friend of St.Cuthbert's, he ate fish,  had a veggie patch, and prayed. Now there's a thought. This could be the plan for the future that hasn't occurred to us. Why didn't they tell us that was the plan? ... oh, silly me.... there was no plan, no thought ...

I've still been trying to get my head and heart around things today. Continuing my search to understand better I spent the morning listening to A Point of View * and then to Roger Scruton ... both hugely helpful in finding some ease.

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