Sunday lunch

So we went out for Sunday lunch – at The Bridge. This is our favourite place at the moment. Wonderful food and great service. This was the old Bridge End Inn that has always been at Kirkby Thore. A number of years ago it deteriorated, changed hands several times, and was finally almost permanently on the market. One big problem was that it is right on the busy A66 and it was almost impossible to get to. In 2011 a local couple bought it and carried out extensive refurbishment and extension work. They actually almost turned the building round, so there is now no entrance on the road side, and with very clever sound-proofing you would never know you were right beside the road with traffic streaming past. A great place they have made it and it is deservedly popular.

The reason we went out? To cheer ourselves up after the dreadful happenings over the weekend, to give Gordon a break from exam scripts and to make me feel better.
It’s very, very rare for me to have ailments to report, but I am going to indulge myself this time with a tale of woe. Please feel free to ignore the following:
I have a broken tooth that needs ‘work done’ and I haven’t had ‘work done’ at the dentist for many, many years. In fact I can’t remember when the last time was. So I’m not looking forward to that. Thankfully I have the most wonderful Dentist whom I trust totally and he has put me on anti-biotic, which has cleared up an infection, so at least the tooth isn’t bothering me any more. I also have a knee, which is, after almost a week, still causing me some pain and making walking difficult. I am persuading myself that it is getting better, but I may have to do something about it soon. I so rarely have anything wrong and haven’t been to the Doctor for a long time, so none of this is going down too well at the moment.

Lunch was very good though!


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