Ch Ch Ch Changes.

The weather forecast predicted heavy and continual rain from 10am this morning and they weren't far wrong, since 10.10am it's poured down. l'm glad l went out before this and took a dozen or so photographs so l'd have something to blip later.

There were a few possibles for Derelict Sunday and l finally chose this one of a house that has been empty for years and years. Think that could be changing though because when l went around the back some new building materials had been stacked in the garden. It will be good to see it in use again .
The gardens must have been well cared for at one time and l liked how the roses and fushia had spread on their own.
The gate at the front must have once been painted white and even though l'm not a big fan of wrought iron, this had a certain charm. I stood a while thinking about who had lived there in the past and what it would look like in the future.

Mr P has been glued to the TV watching the latest repercussions of the referendum result. It was a bit like listening to a cricket commentary as he kept calling out,
"Another one has gone!".
We are living through a major event that will be recorded in history, taught in schools, analysed and written about by academics. There are accusations that the Baby Boomer generation are to blame for our exit: that we have had all the benefits and are now denying our children and grandchildren the same. I am part of that group but l voted to remain, not for my benefit but for future generations.
I heard on one programme today someone saying that our current situation is like selling your house before you've bought a new home. You had already seen one or two options that might fit the bill but now you have to really look at them much more analytically to make sure it's the right move to meet your needs.

So we're snuggled in here, chicken roasting in the oven, looking forward to watching ELO and Coldplay at Glatonbury.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Thanks Marlieske for hosting DS.

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